FieQ Gestor de gastos/finanzas

by FieQ App



The only tool on the market that, in addition to helping you control your finances, allows you to calculate your net worth!!! This allows the user to be aware of the importance of controlling personal finances.Financial planner that allows:• Manage your personal and/or family finances month by month• See the annual summary of your income or expenses• calculates personal net worth based on assets or debts owned• Add the actual expenses and income through a .csv file that you can download in your electronic banking.• Compare planned expenses with actual expenses.Benefits of using FieQ App:• Improve your financial health• Facilitates control of your expenses and optimizes savings• Calculate your net worthHow to use Fie App:1) Add your monthly income and expenses with the "Add Income" or "Add Expense" buttons2) Add your properties with the “Add asset” button. Note: debts are added automatically associated with an expense3) Download the monthly movements of your bank in .csv format and upload the file in the application4) Classify the movements based on added income and expenses